Lately all i want is shopping for unnecessary stuffs.Though it is just a thought..i'm afraid i might cross the know what i mean right?..well girls always be girls..can't be enuff with a pair of shoes...ohh ya..handbags ..perfumes..(i mean bottles of it ) i guess men out there ..u gotta make yourself comfortable with it..well i think guys pun ramai mcm tu (including my husband hehe)..
But honestly, i am not that anymore (i mean impulsive buyer)..since i got married, working,studying and now not working..i tend to have a sense of so called "sayang duit"..everytime i wanted to buy something i better be sure that i really need those rather than being compulsive ..errrr...or impulsive !!!!
I don't want to go back at that time when i was early you saving at all..frankly..i haven't purchase any handbags since the day i got married (ye la i dapt 2 handbags sekali for the wedding hantaran) :) was 1 year and a half is it long enough to get me a new one...???^^.hahaha..not sure whether i do really really really need it ...sigh!!! mcm big problem pulak kan ???
Well seriously i need something new in my wardrobe now..ok my wish list
1.Perfume..dah lama dah habis..pki scented lotion je this is must la hehe
2.Handbag...ooh..tak kot..wait till i resume my work again
3.Great vacay...somewhere far okay..errkkk..this is outta topicla :)
4.Shoes...well i have few and all are still in a perfect pass!!!!!(i have a problem here..all my shoes, sandals, heels have longer life that i can can't really find excuse to buy new..)..sometimes i skip this ..
i guess i am still normal n being reasonable n all i want right now is new PERFUME !!!!!!oooh ya and lipgloss .....till then
But honestly, i am not that anymore (i mean impulsive buyer)..since i got married, working,studying and now not working..i tend to have a sense of so called "sayang duit"..everytime i wanted to buy something i better be sure that i really need those rather than being compulsive ..errrr...or impulsive !!!!
I don't want to go back at that time when i was early you saving at all..frankly..i haven't purchase any handbags since the day i got married (ye la i dapt 2 handbags sekali for the wedding hantaran) :) was 1 year and a half is it long enough to get me a new one...???^^.hahaha..not sure whether i do really really really need it ...sigh!!! mcm big problem pulak kan ???
Well seriously i need something new in my wardrobe now..ok my wish list
1.Perfume..dah lama dah habis..pki scented lotion je this is must la hehe
2.Handbag...ooh..tak kot..wait till i resume my work again
3.Great vacay...somewhere far okay..errkkk..this is outta topicla :)
4.Shoes...well i have few and all are still in a perfect pass!!!!!(i have a problem here..all my shoes, sandals, heels have longer life that i can can't really find excuse to buy new..)..sometimes i skip this ..
i guess i am still normal n being reasonable n all i want right now is new PERFUME !!!!!!oooh ya and lipgloss .....till then

Bobbi Brown Shimmer Lip Gloss: Pink Sugar :)..been using this for abt 2 years now !!!

CK Euphoria Blossom..never try this before so this is it :)
omg. sama ngn my dream perfume now. sedap giler. jom beli sama nnti. (nnti la when i dh masuk tmpt keje baru)
ReplyDeletedear..jum but i dah beli be delicious mcm adik nye huhu..but this one memg best kan :)