I am so excited to receive the news..my sister officially a Doctor now..we are so proud of you dear..(tumpang happy for you)
Abah and Mak should be in tears now.I am sure they can't keep smiling for the whole day..Syukran Ya Allah for blessing our family..
See..adding you as a doctor in the family would be great !!!! Your graduation shall be an inspiration for me to complete my master and for others, aniey, paat and aji..your turn afterwards ya !!!
A little peptalk to all my siblings and also to me...whatever you do in life please..
My weekend was full of weddings invitation..can't hardly squeeze my time to check any e-mails or text messages (btw my phone rosak rupanya..patutla x berbunyi :)
Azrina's wedding...purple theme..my neighbour pun purple theme gak..tema tahun ini kot :)
she's waiting for the prince charming to take her away ...
memories remain :)
hubby with baby dania ..showing his paternal side :)
Our dinner last night......................my first attempt :yorskshire pudding..really easy!!!!
For the information yorksire pudding is the traditonal british comfort food.Best eat up as starter or as part of main course.It is not really consume as dessert but hey..for me anything will do :)
In case you have leftovers, ice-cream with yorkshire pudding compliment each other
picture above without baked potato
Yorkshire Pudding in a cup :)
Full meal course
Roasted Chicken, Yorkshire Pudding, Brocolli and Baked Potato
Method of Preparation
2pcs of chicken thighs marinated with garlic, tumeric powder, mustard sauce,honey, blackpepper sauce, crush blackpepper, italian herbs and salt
Drizzle EVOO on top of chicken before roasting
Baked for half n hour
2.Yorkshire Pudding-For 2 Person
Crack an egg and put in bowl,
Add Milk (same level with the egg)
Mix all together
Put plain flour (same level with egg as well)
Mix again
Heat up baking tin with lil bit of oil inside
Take out the baking tin and put the batter (You will hear the sizzling sound came from the tin)
Put the tray back in the oven and baked for about 20 mins or until the pudding pop from the
tray. (I'm using cup for this process)
Ok im using the dripping from the chicken.
Heat up the pan
Pour the chicken dripping from the roasting procesess
Add half cup of water
2 tbs of flour to thicken the gravy
(the more ingredients you used to marinade the chicken the more flavour u have for the gravy)
Ohh..no no no..this is not my house..technically yes..but it is my parents' house ..classy innit? Initially taking these pictuces for berita harian contest but till now tak hantar2 pun..honestly this is heaven to me ..cosy n yeah..i miss my bed :) (btw i balik rumah almost every week)
Check it out some of my favourite spots in the house :)
see all the pictures hanging on the wall? all hand made ya !!
What a grateful feeling when someone went abroad and brought you something :)..macam budak2 because everytime my parents balik dari holiday, i've always can't wait to dig into their luggage..hehe thinking what they bought for me and my siblings..
So this time, i received ole-ole from bandoeng.Now i have my baju raya..2 pieces for each of us (my two sisters)..and ya a linen fabric for hubby (kena tempah la nanti for shirt).
since i'm the one who is staying nearby ..i got the chance to choose first..sorry girls !!!!(my sisters) ..but no worries..yang tinggal still, semua cantik2..rambang mata nak pilih ..all the indonesian embroidery.. neat beautiful and cheap !!!..
Even if you are a million miles away I could still feel you in my bed Near me, touch me, feel me
And even at the bottom of the sea I could still hear it inside my head Telling me, touch me, feel me And all the time, you were telling me lies
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you Tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had Tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Have you ever try sleeping with a broken heart? Well you could try sleeping in my bed Lonely, own me, nobody ever shut it down like you
You wore the crown, you made my body feel heaven bound Why don't you hold me, need me I thought you told me, you'd never leave me
Looking in the sky I could see your face And I knew right where I fit in Take me, make me, you know that I'll always be in love with you Right till the end
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you I'm gonna find a way to make it without you I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had Tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Anybody could've told you right from the start it's 'bout to fall apart So rather than hold on to a broken dream or just hold on to love And I could find a way to make it, don't hold on too tight I'll make it without you tonight
So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you I'm gonna find a way to make it without you I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had Tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Gunung Nuang expedition was a success.Though it was an adhoc planned, i'm so thrilled that everything went well.I've mentioned it in FB that most of my family had their own planned that weekend so thanks to "anie" who invited me to join her and the friends for this hiking trip.
The day before, "anie" and I were busy looking for our hiking gear. We do not want to get our jogging shoes get swamped in the mud so we've decided to buy this "Foo Keong" shoes. Anie said she wore that while playing hockey back in school...RM 12 ok..so if anything happens i'll just throw it away :)
Anie woke early that morning to prepare our lunch..beehoon goreng )yummm!!! sedap u :)..thanks dear..so from anie's house there are 4 of us, anie, aful (anie's bro) ,zul (aful's friend) and me .
8.43 a.m We left home and gathered at Kajang to meet anie's friends.The hiking started at 8.43 (if i've not mistaken)..there are 10 of us basically including a doctor and a nurse :)...so the journey started, and heading to the pit stop (camp lolo).We don't up to the peak because it was just for fun and for stamina only...but still..jauh juga..
The first 20-30 mins of the journey we had to stop because anie wasn't feeling that good.Maybe becauce of the gases in her stomach..(including not enough sleep)..She throwed out and was almost give up :)..(i'm almost relinquish too)..but luckily we have pakcik who so called cheering us up and bear with us :)
When anie trying to get herself better, i noticed that i feel something in my pants..tickling so i squeezed it and in the second i know that i get sucked by a "pacat".Right away i rolled my pants up to my knee and see..the "pacat" is enjoying sucking my sweet blood..eeeee....!!! (Geli ok)
Panic attacked.. !!!!!and pakcik asked me to put my saliva on the "pacat"..i can't even do that..it really gives me a fright..Luckily anie's bro aful bring his cigar...now i know that the flame from the tobacco will make the "pacat" detached. Googled it and read that "pacat" can also be removed by apply salt, alcohol, lemon or insects repellent to the area.So next time be prepared ya!!!!..(emmm..i wonder why i'm the only 1 getting "pacat" bites.....ooooowwwwhhh..(cannot imagine la).
12.00 pm Then we continued our hiking until we reached LOLO camp..( mandi2..and feel the soothing sounds of the waterfall).. calm and tranquil..i can't remember when i had this feeling..10 years back perhaps..
Almost an hour n half up they..having our snacks and lunch we packed and get ready to move down :)..yeahhh nak balik dah.. 1.30 p.m The going down process was a bit tricky for me..i'm not sure why..climbing i'm ok with it..going down...aahhh my legs are very sore..too much pressures on my toe..so it delays my walk frequently. 4.35 p.m Alhamdulillah safely reached the "dataran"..kakiku sangat sakit ok!!!! So i'm very proud of myself ..utterly proud :)at first i thought i will keep myself for half way only . underestimates me .. my stamina??? emmm rated 7/10..and mental wise!!!! 8.5/10 huhu...ok kan for a person who did hiking 10 years back (Gunung Datuk)..
emm..looking forward for the next activity..Hubby said water rafting !!!!
p/s/....dress definitely NOT to impress (my comot version)
Again my dad bought fresh seafood for me..and this time he got myself "mr crabby" 2 pieces one for me and one for hubby.
Definitely i don't eat those because i am allergic to seafood (excluding fish ya) .kesian tak??
so my mom said ' u need to cook this quickly, never let it too long in the freeze because the sweetness and the taste of the crab will be gone.
abah gave it on sunday, so today, i have the chance to cook..not that long la kan ?????
Utterly for the whole weekend, i did not enter the kitchen at all..syndrome "malas" melanda so today i've decided to cook something fancy for my husband
our weekend full of activity, saturday balik kampung, sunday went to segamat and monday to Putrajaya, again..
hectic and busy like a bee..ooh by the way back to my crab, i've decided to make those chilli thingy rather than masak lemak or masak kuali..afraid that tak jadi nanti..membazir je kan?
first time cleaning the crab...ya i have to google it on "how to clean your crab"..honestly there are blogs or site do provide these steps including the photo..easy right..senang je kan? masak pun google je..any recipe..u name it :)
bersemangat sungguh even though i tak makan pun ketam hehe..menyiang pun my hand dah itchy sampi ke badan ..bad hah!!! allergic dari kecil lagi.rugi kan tak dapat makan all those seafood..if kat oversea ni mahal ..nak dapat fresh pun susah..but for me dah ada depan mata tak dapat nak makan la pulak kan???
ok here goes the recipe: My first chilli crab recipe
1 tablespoon of sugar 2 tablespoons of tamarind juice (i am using fresh lemon ,tamarind dah habis ) fish sauce(accordingly, i'm not using any salt) 2 tablespoons of cooking oil 2 tablespoon of tamato sauce 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce coriander (chopped for garnishing only)
Paste: 8-10 dried red chilies (soaked in hot water and deseeded) 4 medium size onion 3 cloves of garlic 1 inch of fresh ginger 1/2 inch of fresh tumeric
1.Clean the crab and chop it into pieces. 2.Fried your crab with tumeric powder and salt (till golden) 2.Blend the dried chilli, onion, garlic, tumeric and ginger. 4.Heat up your wok and add cooking oil. 5.Stir fry the paste until fragant and spicy. 6.Add the crab, tomato sauce, oyster sauce 7.Put in sugar, and fish sauce let it simmer for couple of min 9.Garnish with fresh coriander. Serve with plain basmathi rice:) p/s: gambar blur coz ambil guna phone camera je..:)
Ok..so this morning i made breakfast for my husband..This is so type of food that he eats in the morning..no heavy food like nasi lemak, mee goreng and etc..bread and milo should be enough for him.But sometimes i do make those food..when i am in the mood
The pancake is very easy..normally i just bought the Pillsbury ready made pancake mix..but i guess it is too "berlemak"..hehe
So i guess a freshly made with a golden base pancake is just perfect to start our day right? I give it a try and do it according to my style :) and top it with any mouth watering stuffs like fresh strawberry, maple syrup and chocolate chips..yummmy :)
But for me..golden honey and chocolate chips shuld be ok ...For a busy housewife this pancake mix is someting that is bound to diminish your breakfast blues...
Ok..i'm so thrilled to try this dessert..(romantic dessert).who doesn't love strawberries? red, sexy and delish...emmm...but the ingredients are so expensive especially when it comes to mascarpone cheese..but i think the making is kinda simple and easy..will try it out later..
Now i just wanted to share the recipe that i've got on the net :)
250 grams of mascarpone cheese 250 grams of lightly whipped cream 2 punnets of fresh strawberries hulled grated zest of one lemon a good dash of vanilla extract 100 grams of caster sugar 1-2 sheets of puff pastry milk for brushing icing sugar to dust
picture and recipe courtesy from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-1200395/Recipe-Sweet-strawberry-mascarpone-tart.html http://souvlakiforthesoul.com/strawberry-and-mascarpone-tart