Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mari Membaca Al-Quran.

Alhamdulillah..hubby accomplished his reciting of 30 Juzuk Al-Quran after a year. Terharu sebab selepas kahwin my husband personally asked me to teach him to recite Al-Quran.Though i am not perfect but i try my best to be a good "one".Bukanla hubby x boleh membaca tetapi apalah gunanya baca Al-Quran kalau panjang pendek dan makhraj di lupakan.. (now he got someone who really suitable to teach him..Ustaz puji juga his reading but still here and there ada lapse..:) and hubby said" Orang rumah saya byk mengajar saya Ustaz" ..(alalala..sweet b..i teach u nothing b..btw thanks sayang)..

Ingat lagi hubby said, "I tak malu minta u ajarkan I mengaji b..sebab benda baik kan".."I nak jadi suami and Imam yang sempurna untuk keluarga kita"...I banyak sangat kelemahan"..Aduh bila ingat balik..syahdu nya..I am proud of u my dear...Utterly proud..Masa hubby pergi umrah last year..dia sempat khatam kat sana .. (Ya, ALLAH, bilalah aku bisa menjejakkn kaki di bumi para Anbia') 2 years in row he managed to "khatam"..I know you banyak sangat berubah b since we married.and u changed me too :)..Alhamdullillah..

(I'll pray for the happiness in my marriage Insyaallah)


  1. congrats to both of u! i try to complete mine within this year..

    cantik banner u =)

  2. ernie:thanks dear :) insyaallah you will
    banner? ala senang je buat thanks anyway!!!
