I lacked of motivation tonight..dah la hubby demam and I am struggling completing my dissertation. Tak sanggup rasanya nak leave hubby alone at home while I make a move to S.Alam tomorrow.Pray hard that I can submit on time..Ya Allah grant me the strenght..I really need it..When suddenly i opened my Fb.. peeking at some interesting pages..(really need a recharge though)..and I found these photos ..tiba-tiba jer I jadi geram ok...wanna know what makes me "geram"?
Look for yourself boleh....?????

Well it is not that grumpy "geram" type..it is more on a love "geram" version
Btw Ilyas is my grandson..x percaya???? believe it
His grandmother is my mother's sister..see the connection there ???
emmm..complicated..Ilyas dearie, since your parents called me "makadik"..then Ilyas nak panggil ape nanti??? "Nek Adik" (oooohhhh...not appealing at all)
Till then ..cheers
ingtkn geram marah td..hehe..btw, mmg geram pn tngok pipi die..
ReplyDeletehehe..geram kan kak??comel sgt :)