Alhamdulillah ...
:) Smiles all the all completed just waiting for the CF to be released..bila la yek ????

All the checklist for things to buy dah siap :) electrical appliances, kitchen cabinet, etc..etc...emmm banyak nak keluar duit ni..Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya. Amin
best. kat mana ni kiera?
ReplyDeletebest kan??? hehe..dekat ayer keroh dear near mmu!
ReplyDeletewhy u mentioned MMU? waaa rindu melaka la macam ni! bestnye ur house byk tanah boleh menanam.
ReplyDeleteayer keroh taman apa? semi d eh?
ReplyDeleteernie: ala tanah kecik jer pun :) bolehla bercucuk tanam..if dtg melaka nnt dtg la rumah ye..
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: Aha Semi-d :)
sis bestnyeh umah dah nak siap..cant wait for our hse to be completed too!
ReplyDeletemaz: memang best x sabar nk move in..ooh beli kt mana tu?congrats ya, new house new family member..;)
ReplyDeletekt bukit best u got a semi hse..semi hse kt mlk sume cantekkkk2..our budget xsampai lg utk beli semi hse..hehe i bet mesti byk duit guna utk beli brg2 umah kan..anyway thank u sista! ;)
ReplyDeleteMaz:ooh kat bukit katil pun cantik2 gak...xpela at least u dah ada property kan?? hehe..emm tu la pening juga fikir mn nk cari duit beli those appliances..:)
ReplyDeletebagi la tips cmne nak beli rumah ni. lagi satu nak tanya apa beza rumah leasehold n freehold?
Anonymous: alamak hehe i bukan dlm properties linela..but i rasa kena byk survey..location,price ikut budget :)..sbb after rumah siap byk lagi benda nak belikan?
ReplyDeleteleasehold tu ada terms..normally 99 years after that the land will revert to the state tapi i rasa boleh convert depends la (this type of land normally area bandar..developement area)..freehold memeg hak milik kita forever (not subject to depreciate)...up to you which one u preferred.